Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Gal in the Mirror

I have always loved summer, even though growing up in a military family, it was often a time of change as we moved from one location to the next.  The summers when we did move were always a little slower, as we were not yet familiar with the new place, the "lay of the land", the schedules or the people.  It was a time for self and a time for family, for reflecting,  reconnecting and growing from within. 

In many ways this summer of 2012 has been some place new.  My daughter has begun her journey towards her pre-teen years and  is entering them with her mother's flair for drama. (If you listen closely, you can hear my parents snickering)  I am taking a new approach to vitality and energy and the world at large with my exercise program and a leaning in to vegetarianism/veganism and an overall kinder approach to many many things. 

Earlier this year, I made the official decision and change to have my business carry my name.  That has prompted me to dig a little deeper into what I want my name to represent.   This obviously goes well beyond my work and encompasses the desire to be much more purposeful in what I put into this world but, as I am learning, it is ALL connected. 

With the summer more than half over, I feel those familiar stirrings of having made a move. There is the hope of new adventure, a fresh perspective and even a little reinvention.

Much more to come, here on the blog, in the coming weeks.  More photography, more revelations, more, more, more...:-)

See ya soon,


"I'm starting with the man in the mirror
I'm asking him to change his ways
And no message could have been any clearer
If you wanna make the world a better place
Take a look at yourself and then make a change"

Songwriters: Ballard, Glen; Garrett, Siedah


*Me, first thing in the morning.  :-)


  1. you are so adorable! :) I am hoping to see you really soon Lisa.... :)

  2. I love that summer can be a "time for self and time for family, for reflecting, connecting and growing within." Well put!

    My summer has been about this as well as plain ol' slowing down to savor moments.

    Deb Weaver
